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Description of available control modules:

Module 'Base': base configuration management

Panel base configuration: includes such functions as services, generated files templates, IP-addresses management.

Server info

Short information about server: basic IP-address, system name and contact email of server.


Messages which are decribing Panel actions (hosts addition/deletion, visits of administrator, etc)

IP addresses

Attached IP addresses. After addition of address you can use it in other Panel modules such as hosts, proxy, VPN. You should be careful when you are manipulating with existing address: modifying an address here means that you're modifying it everywhere where it was used. Address deletion involves deletion of everything where it was used (hosts, proxy, vpn accounts).


Services manage server configuration rebuild. Each service generates a certain set of configuration files (filegens) which will be rebuilt on dedicated server after modification in panel. There are three states of services:
  • Synced - panel data synchronized with server configuration
  • Pending rebuild - some modifications were made in panel and configuration rebuild is expected as the result
  • Rebuild blocked - error was discovered during the rebuilding. Automatic rebuild is blocked. This error will be shown in column "Error"
Server configuration rebuild isn't a momentary process! Just after panel modifications service should be in "Pending rebuild" state. In 1-2 minutes it will change its state into "Synced". That means that necessary modifications were made on server.
You can see services state at member area status line.
Also you can see section "Filegens" at menu Actions. Filegens are the templates of all files, which were uploaded on server.

Module variables

access_loginFTP login used for configurations upload on server. Usually this login is 'dedikit' with home directory /opt/dedikit/upload
access_passwdpassword for access_login
access_methodconfigurations upload method. Can be 'ftp' or 'http'. All modern Panel setups use 'http'.
clients_homeObligatory variable which defines where ftp/shell users' folders will be created. DON'T MODIFY it on operating computer because you will break ALL the functioning of your sites (Apache DocumentRoot will point to wrong place).
contact_emailVariable which defines server owner's email. It's necessary to assign valid email located outside of the server because official information concerning server will be forwarded here.
system_ipaddr Basic server IP address. It is used by ftp/http connection for configurations upload and request to http-server for configurations rebuild.
login_cookie_expires Defines time of keeping admin authorization cookie in browser cache. It format complies with a format of field Expires in http cookies. Default value is '+2d'

Module 'Databases': Databases Management

This module is required for creation, removal and modification of databases.


To create database you should enter DB name (login to database will match DB name), password and optional commentary - to remember the purpose of this DB creation.


Attention! Under database removal it won't be deleted physically from server! Also this database user's access will be available. You should delete database through phpmyadmin web-interface or other mysql client.

Module variables

mysql_allow_inet_access If this variable is set to TRUE then additional grant will be added during the database creation/modification (access from Internet is permitted). If this variable isn't defined, access will be available only from username@'localhost'
mysql_root_password root password on mysql. It's necessary to keep correct password here for database rebuilds/additions working.
phpmyadmin_url In case of phpMyAdmin is installed on your server its URL assigning in this variable will give you possibility to open attached databases in phpMyAdmin directly from module Databases. Format: (slash at the end is obligatory)

Module 'Proxy'

Anonymous proxy-accounts management.


On proxy-account creation/modification you may assign one of two authorization schemes: password or client IP address authentication. If the field 'Allow connect from' remains empty password authentication is used. If in 'Allow connect from' the list of IP addresses or networks is presented in the form of proxy is available without a password from these networks.
You may tune the time of proxy account deactivation using field Expire (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM Format). After specified date proxy will be deactivated (not deleted).

Module 'Vhosting'

Menus necessary for virtual sites hosting are placed in this module.

FTP/shell accounts

You should create at least one ftp/shell account in order to attach site to the server. Login must contain only letters of English alphabet, numbers and symbol '_'.
Client's home folder will look as /home/clients/$LOGIN (you can change /home/clients to other value in base/configure, variable clients_home)

Sites: Addition/modification

In this section domains (sites) are listed. To add/modify host you should enter:
  • Name: domain name without www. (, for example). Here you can assign several domains divided by spaces or commas (bulk domains addition)
  • HTTP server: determines which server will serve domain, apache or thttpd. thttpd is usually used for statistic sites with high traffic. It requires separate IP address, doesn't support .htaccess . Standard choice is apache.
  • Account: determines to which ftp/shell account site will be attached
  • Assign IP address: IP address for site
  • CGI/PHP support: dynamic pages (script execution) support
  • Hotlink protect: list of file extensions divided by '|' ('gif|jpg|mpg' for example) which are protected from hotlinking. If this field is empty protection will be deactivated.
  • Log processor: is it necessary to process access logs to site by log analyzer and which one? (currently presented Webalizer and AWstats).
After Host addition into menu Actions you may correct list of host names (aliases) and list of sites which can hotlink your pages (more detailed information about hotlink you can find here). 1

Site names (aliases)

In menu Actions/Names you can put list of names which your domain will recognize. On domain addition two records will be added automatically: and (presumable you've added domain For example, you can add domain and your site will answer to requests from both and at once.
You can use '*' together with domain name in order to indicate all sub domains will be the names of this domain (*
Putting domain IP address into names list you get an access to it without name definition, for example.

POP3 accounts addition/modification

POP3 accounts are the records assigned for mail receipt from your server. It's necessary to fill out following fields under POP3 account addition/modification:
  • Name: account login
  • Password: password
  • Filter spam: Filter spam: checking this button you activate filtering spam program (in case it's installed on your server)
  • Forward spam to: small percent of normal letters can be identified by filter program as spam. In order they won't be lost all email identified as spam should be forwarded to other email address. If you'll remain this field blank mail recognized as spam will be deleted.

Mail management

While adding/modificating email you need to fill two fields:
  • Email: Your email address ( for example)
  • Forward to: address where received email will be forwarded (it may be local POP-3 mailbox such as mail0 or full address such as You can put several addresses divided by comma or space

DNS management

DNS management is divided into zones and records in zones. Main data is in records which are available through actions/records. Some records essential for correct Hosts, Emails work are automatically generated and are not to be edited. They're shown in column Generated record. On corresponding Hosts, Emails removal they will be deleted automatically.
You may add/edit records manually but be careful! Record is put without changes to zonefile (right form is 'www IN A'). In case of syntax error all zone become unavailable!
Check/edit template of DNS zone you can in base/services/action filegens

Cron management

Here you may schedule your tasks and time for their execution. On addition/modification you should fill following fields in:
  • Account: on which FTP/shell account task will run.
  • Comment: not obligatory remark.
  • Time: execution time in UNIX cron format
  • Command: command to execute. May be several commands divided by ';'

Module variables

default_mx1Domain where all mail for server will be received
default_ns11st Nameserver for all hosted domains
default_ns22nd Nameserver for all hosted domains

Module 'Syswatcher'

Syswatcher is a server state monitoring module. You can get notification about almost all problems on your server with it. Also it's possible to monitor server state using tunable graphs.

SNMP sources

SNMP sources are the counters received from server by protocol SNMP. Under addition it's necessary to fill following fields in:
  • Name: counter name. It will be used at menu Alerts in some functions and also for graphs construction.
  • MIB: SNMP identifier. List of identifiers supported by your snmp server usually is available in your snmp server documentation
  • Interval: How often counter will be taken from server (secs). Recommended interval is 300 (5 minutes).
  • Counter_type: counter type. Can be two types:
    • COUNTER - counter increases all the time (counter of packets passing through network interface for example).
    • GAUGE - this counter shows value within some limits; it may decrease or increase (load average for example).
  • Graph: On which graph counter draws(see below)


It is possible to create graphs using counters in SNMP sources. It can help you to identify server load peaks, traffic falls/increases, etc.


Alerts function is server monitoring. Every alert uses certain function and parameters list to it. Available functions are:
  • http: it's assigned for www sites monitoring. Accepts following parameters:
    • uri: full page address (i.e.
    • ok_codes: list of http-server answer codes divided by spaces or commas. These codes indicate NO ERROR (i.e. 200, 302, 304)
    • ok_content: line has to be contained in page body.
    With this function you may check if your site is working (shows required page, etc). Also it's very easy to create personal alerts: you write small script which controls necessary condition (your mysql server work, for example). In case of success it displays SUCCESS on page. You assign SUCCESS in ok_content and in case of this word's absence this alert will be sent to your email.
  • snmp_statistics:this function works with SNMP sources. Its destination is counters state modification monitoring.
    Accepts following parameters:
    • use_samples: how many last counter values have to be accepted as average one
    • curr_samples: how many last counter values have to be accepted as current one
    • stat_name: which counter has to be used (Name in SNMP sources)
    • condition: alert rise condition. Following variants are possible:
      • <NN - current (curr_samples) value is less than NN
      • >NN - current (curr_samples) value is more than NN
      • <*NN - curr_samples are NN times less than use_samples (counter falls in NN times)
      • >*NN - curr_samples are NN times more than use_samples (counter increases in NN times)
    Using this function you may tune alerts for such actions as traffic down/rise, load average jumps, diskspace decrease and so on.
  • watch_ports: this simple function destination is open ports monitoring. Accepts following parameters:
    • ip_ports: list of ports or addresses with ports in the form of [ip_address:]port divided by spaces or commas. If IP address did not entered system ipaddr is used.
    • timeout: waiting period of connection in seconds. 5 seconds are enough usually
    With this function you may watch computer services functioning such as apache (port 80), mailserver (port 25) and so on. You can monitor not only your server, but specify any IP address.

Alert statistics

Here you may get statistics summary of alerts for last week. Available data are: how many times were alerts of this type raised (column 'Raise times'), total downtime, uptime in percent.

Module variables

syswatcher_graph_intervalWhat time period in hours should be shown in graphs by default. Default is 24 hours.

VPN accounts management

This function will be available only in the presence of mppe/mppe patches on server kernel. (Linux) On VPN accounts addition/modification you have fill following fields in:
  • IP address: to which IP address you'll be visible all over Internet while using this VPN connection.
  • Login: authorization login
  • Password: password
  • Expire: (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM). After indicated date VPN will be deactivated (not deleted). In case you don't want to use this possibility you may remain this field blank.